4:43 PM

5 Principles of Steve Jobs

1. Do what you like. Steve Jobs once said to a group of employees, "People with passion can change the world for the better." Jobs followed his heart throughout his life and passion, he said, which has made all the changes. It is very difficult to create something new, be creative or make a novel idea if you do not have the passion to make progress.

2. Make changes to the world. The spirit is the rocket fuel, but the vision directing the rocket to its final destination. In 1976, when Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple together, Jobs's vision is to put a computer in every hand of every day. In 1979, Jobs saw the beginning of the use of graphical user interface shown in the research at Xerox's Palo Alto, California. He soon learned that technology can make computers attractive to ordinary people. The technology that eventually became the Macintosh, which changed everything the way we interact with computers. Xerox researchers are not aware of the potential of these technologies because of their limited vision to create a new copier. Two people can look at something similar, but perceive it differently based on their vision.

3. Starter brain. Steve Jobs said, "Creativity means connecting a lot of things." Connecting here means looking for inspiration from other industries. Jobs that once took a calligraphy class he did not use benefits until he makes the Macintosh. He also went to Asia and India to learn hospitality and design. Jobs did not "steal" ideas as much as he used ideas from other industries to inspire your own creation.

4. Selling dreams, not products. For Steve Jobs, people who buy rpduk Apple is not a "consumer". They are people with hopes, dreams and ambitions. He makes products to help people achieve their dreams. He also said, "some people think you are crazy for buying a Mac, but in the madness we see genius." How do we view our customers? Let's help removing their genius and you will get the hearts and minds.

5. Say no to 1000 things. Steve Jobs once said, "I am proud of what we do and we do not do". He is committed to making a simple product with a neat design. And that commitment can be seen from homemade products. Starting from the design of the iPod to iPad, Apple's product packaging, to the functions on his website. In the world of Apple, innovation means eliminating unnecessary things so that the need may arise.

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