4:17 PM

Jyoti Amge, Women Shortest Dream Becoming the World With Bollywood Actress

Small body size sometimes makes people insecure, and sometimes feel uncomfortable in everyday social intercourse. But it apparently does not apply to Jyoti Amge, which had just been named the world's smallest woman in the age of 18.

Because, with its mini body only 61.95 cm tall, teenage birth Nagpur, India has great ideals, which became a Bollywood actress.

Jyoti has been named as the shortest woman in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records, by breaking the previous record by Bridgette Jordan (22) American origin, the higher 7 cm from it.

Known, the weight of only 5.5kg Joyti or only increased by about 4kg of body weight at birth, and body disorder called achondroplasia, which stops Joyti grew up after his first birthday.

"I want to make people happy." Says Jyoti, who plans to appear in two Bollywood films next year, told The Sun.

As a teenager at school in Nagpur, Jyoti has its own table and chairs according to their size. He also had to sleep on the bed and uses special equipment that is smaller than average.

However, the shortest woman in the history of musters are held by Pauline, who lives in the Netherlands in 1876-1895 and has only 61 cm height.

1 Responses to “Jyoti Amge, Women Shortest Dream Becoming the World With Bollywood Actress”

Rahul :

Nice and she is pretty happy! that's what is needed! Any way rediff should have posted some videos of her!!
Anyway Happy Birth Day and wish her a long life to see in my life time she will become one of the oldest tooo.

December 19, 2011 at 7:45 AM

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