4:43 PM

This is the World's Heaviest Insects

Mark Moffett (53) a former forest ranger found the heaviest insect in the world, which has a weight of 71g, or heavier than a sparrow and three times heavier than a small rat.

The insects shaped like a giant cricket is named Weta, and insects with a wing span tuhuh inches long was discovered by Mark after two days of searching on a remote island.

Creepy insect is found only on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, although there are 70 types of Weta other smaller which can be found in the country.

After finding this female Weta, Mark then feeding insects with carrots, before re-releasing it.

"The three of us to explore this small island for two nights, to search for and find a giant Weta this insect perched on a tree." Said Mark quoted the Mail Online.

Apparently, Mark found a giant Weta is the heaviest ever found.

"Weta was really enjoying the carrots that were served, and insects that seem to ignore the fact that he is resting in our hands and continue to chew their food. This is where I take pictures, and then release it back to its origin. "Said the insect lovers from Colorado, the United States.

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