10:03 PM

It's Got Wings dinosaur colors

Researchers from the University of Texas announced the latest analysis of Microraptor fossils. The analysis menungkap that the four-winged dinosaur has colorful feathers that aims to attract a mate.

Reportedly these extinct animals lived more than 120 million years ago and has a size of modern pigeons are like today. However, pigeons do not have the ability to fly like Microraptor, which has four wings. As reported by Softpedia,

Modern birds, using Twitter as a songwriter and his feathers to attract mates, and many scientists believe that the ancestors of these birds also display similar behavior. Details of these findings has been published in top science journals.

"Specific color and has a number of colors in feathers avian dinosaurs (Microraptor) may not be there in 20 years ago. This development, in combination with the arrangement of the tail feathers, leading to deeper understanding, about the early development of plumage signals" explained H. Richard Lane of the University of Texas researchers.

With this discovery, Microraptor be the earliest ancient bird species in the world with colorful feathers. One of the things that can be done by researchers today are reconstructing dinosaurs as a whole. These findings may also help settle the debate that has lasted a long time, about how to move an ancient lizard or evolved from the mainland to have the ability to fly.

"Most of the dinosaurs that had feathers or wings (can fly) continues to be interpreted as the basic aerodynamic, optimized for some aspects of air movement. Some of these structures is to show the characteristics of the ancestor, while the other functions associated with the display or behavior of the signal quality of the couple "said Julia Clarke, University of Texas paleontologist.

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