11:56 PM

Milky Way Could Have Billions of Planets Inhabited

Based on science, there should be billions of habitable rocky planets around a red star dii dim Milky Way belongs. In fact, the planets are hard to detect and only a few are found.

The discovery of planets could be habitable use within it based on a survey of 102 stars in the category of red dwarf stars are much fainter, cooler and less dense when compared to the Sun. According to scientists in space-type stars that fill approximately 80 percent of the Milky Way.

Proclaimed Live Science, the scientists in space using the HARPS spectrograph telescope at the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory in Chile. Through these tools, they found nine planets larger than Earth.

The planets were then asked as super-Earths and weighs about 10 times Earth's mass. Two of super-Earths found to be in the habitable zone, where the temperature allows the existence of liquid water.

"Our recent observations using the HARPS shows approximately 40 percent of red dwarf stars have a super-Earths. Planet Earth's orbit is almost like in the habitable zone, where liquid water can exist on its surface," said Xavier Bonfils, lead investigator of the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble, France.

"Because red dwarfs are commonly found, the numbers in the Milky Way there are approximately 160 billion. This leads us to the conclusion there is the possibility of such planets in our galaxy," he added.

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