12:39 AM

Why There's always an @ sign in email? this is explanation it

1971 to a very important moment for the development of the internet. In that year, an expert named Roy Tomlinson managed to create so-called electronic mail or by e-mail. The term e-mail is a combination of two words, namely electronic mail and electronic means, which means the letter. This finding is perfected in 1972.

In principle, this is similar to electronic mail correspondence by mail. The difference is, the form of a letter sent over the network is not a piece of paper wrapped in an envelope. This electronic letter of digital data that can include letters, pictures, or sounds.

Why There's always an @ sign in email? this is explanation it

Like the correspondence process, the electronic mail address of the sender is also required and the recipient. One sign of a very distinctive in the writing of e-mail address was read at the @ symbol or meaning in (prefix to indicate the place) or on. This symbol is also introduced by Tomlinson.

To be electronic correspondence, the sender and recipient must have a mailbox that is listed on the internet. Address the letter is actually attached to the electronic mailbox. To be able to open the mailbox, the owner must have a secret code called a password. With this secret code that created the mailbox owner will not be able to open it.

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