6:32 PM

10 Criminals A Very Famous Throughout the Ages

In this world there must be a villain whose ability to stand out, for example, goods are stolen not only the clothesline, but factory clothesline.

Outstanding ability in the world criminality this will put a person into TOP-10 criminals like the following, which is certainly not worthy to follow and emulate, Do not Try This Anywhere!!

1. The 'Barefoot Bandit'
For him, the world is a place to play. Two years Colton Harris-Moore became a fugitive, he is alleged to have stolen five planes, several cars and boats yachts valued at $ 450,000, and cash in a number of homes and businesses.

The only thing that did not work he stole the shoes. The "Barefoot Bandit" or criminals barefoot was his nickname until the end of his arrest.

Authorities took him with handcuffs handcuff foot barefoot feet, on 11 July 2010 after a high-speed chase with the boat.

Harris-Moore has been a fugitive since 2008, since he managed to escape police pursuit haven at home in Washington.

Since then, he was accused of more than 100 robberies. On the last flight he said he had to fly from Indiana to the Bahamas, and so far has flown as far as 1000 Miles or approximately 1,609,344 kilometers when he never received the education of flight.

He admitted that he learned to fly a plane from the internet and flight manuals. The odd thing is, he's still only 19.

On charges of theft of property and illegal entry into the Bahamas the country, chances are he will be extradited to the United States and face sentences of 15 years in prison.

2. Jesse James (Jesse Woodson James)
Missouri Birth villain was a guerrilla soldier in the southern confederacy during the Civil War / American Civil War.

He is also known as a robber, had been involved in looting a train in 1864, and killing 22 of 23 unarmed U.S. soldiers on board, and scalping (flayed skin of the head, usually done by the Indians) on some of his victims.

After the war ended, he and his brother wander without a clear purpose. In 1881 the Governor of Missouri, Thomas T. Crittenden offered a reward of $ 10,000 for their capture, dead or alive.

Shortly thereafter, Robert Ford, a gang member, shot and killed Jesse and claim the prize.

Jesse Newton was killed by Robert Ford, who actually is a member of the group, James-Younger Gang.

On April 3, 1892, after breakfast, Robert Ford, Charley Ford and Jesse James was ready to leave to start raiding again, and out of the house to prepare the horses.

The day was actually a hot day, James stripped her coat, and said that he had to leave his weapon, so as not suspicious.

James remembered the dusty pictures on the wall and stand from a chair to clean it. Robert Ford took the opportunity, and shot James's head from behind.

Jesse is often touted as the "Robin Hood of the Wild West", but there was no evidence he ever share the robbery and loot to those in need.

Writing on the headstone Jesse James, written by his mother, reads: In Loving Memory of My Beloved Son, Murdered by a Traitor and Coward Whose Name is not Worthy to Appear Here (In Sweet Memories With My Son Beloved, Murdered by a Traitor and Coward who Her name was Precious to Appear Here).

To this day Jesse James remains a hero to many people because he was unyielding and loyal in the South. Her story has also been appointed to a movie.

3. Billy the Kid
Like most western legends, a lot is known of Billy the Kid is based on the stories of the past, who does not know this legendary man?

He was probably born between 1859 and 1861 and named William Henry McCarty. Since childhood, his life was a lot of moving around, from New York to Indiana, to Kansas, to Colorado, and into New Mexico.

Despite his crimes started from small crimes (He was first arrested on 23 September 1875, for stealing laundry basket) and after that crime continues.

He was a horse thief in Arizona, and the cattle thieves in New Mexico. Criminals thin and scalloped forward / messy (can be seen in the movie silly Lucky Luke) is spent in short life by running away, stealing, gambling, and murder. According to reports he has killed more than 20 people.

In April 1881, Kid was hanged for the murder of Sheriff, but he managed to escape from jail by killing two deputies.

But his freedom did not last long, two months later, Sheriff Pat Garrett successful judge, with a shot to death on 14 July 1881.

4. Salvatore Giuliano
Known as the Robin Hood of Sicily, Salvatore Guiliano became the most famous criminals in the history of Italy because of his pride, his generosity (somewhat contradictory), and sharpness as a separatist.

Giuliano known dashing and handsome lead a group of troops that were reported as many as 600 people in the robbery of wealthy landowners whose results are given to the poor, and then disappeared in the mountains.

They killed more than 100 police officers and 40 civilians as well as collect money as much as 1 million dollars from the kidnapping.

When his name written in the headline of a newspaper, he wrote a letter to the newspaper to challenge the government's fight to the death, and declares war on Italy.

In 1949, task force amounted to 2000 people invaded Sicily, look for this elusive villain, finally shooting machine gun at close range in 1950.

After his death, TIME magazine wrote that for 7 years, Giuliano has become the king of criminals in a country where a criminal is seen as a king.

5. Ned Kelly
Legendary folk villain and hero, Ned Kelly recalls in Australia in the 19th century, when the largest fugitive being hunted in the country. After killing three police officers in Voctoria, Kelly and his group fled as a fugitive.

They rob banks, burn all mortgages in the city, and the influence of Australians of Irish descent to turn against the government.

In their last bout of firearms against police, members of the Kelly gang wearing armor made of plowshares, stand up and fight with bullets just bounce when it hit them.

Kelly was shot in the leg and then caught, in the end he was hanged in Melbourne in 1880. But the legend does not end in Australia.

Mick Jagger playing Kelly's character in a film biography in 1970, written by Shel Silverstein and Kris Kristofferson.

Country music legend, Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings also wrote a song about the Kellys. And in 2003, Heath Ledger plays the villain in a movie.

6. Claude Du Val

Marauder French nationality of the 17th century is famous for defying the norms of street thieves armed with non-violence during the action. He was robbed by his charm.

Legend thrilling that Du Val is someone who is a bit fashionable, with a different appearance with the other robbers, the most filthy and greedy.

He is described as someone who is handsome, intelligent, and handsome, so many images found on him so that at least can be described through the painting above.

He agreed with stealing only half of the property a wanderer when she would dance with him. After 10 years as a fugitive authorities, Normandy-born fugitive was finally caught by the police and sentenced to hang.

Many women flocked to wake him at the gallows, vying only to touch his body.

7. Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie Parker (woman) and Clyde Barrow (of men), is dressed criminal who are deeply in love, the action they are small but brutal robbery, they did not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their.

In January 1934, they set up an escape from prison in Texas that ended in the killing of two guards.

3 months later they killed two police officers and a senior police officer, and kidnapped a police chief.

Texas highway patrol announced a formal pursuit, and this is just a matter of time before they were arrested. On May 23, 1934, the police ambushed their car outside Gibsland, LA.

They were defeated by the brunt of the hail of bullets from the police, the crimes they robbed gas stations, restaurants and banks during the 21 months ended already.

The couple was never married criminals, and Bonnie has no previous criminal record as a prior meeting with Clyde, a former prisoner.

Historians believe that Bonnie evil acts because he loved Clyde. Some photos of them together, it appears they are being embraced with tenderness. Story of love and evil they have been lifted into a film.

8. Dick Turpin
The fact is criminals who initially followed his father's footsteps into a butcher's at the beginning but then 1730an join this gang of thieves deer exploring England in the 18th century.

With ruthless terrorizing residents of a woman at a remote ranch house and rob their valuables.

Several studies and books have been used to deny when Turpin as romantic with Du Val, explaining that Turpin violence capable of extreme acts and spends much of her time by being a rapist and murderer.

In the end, he was imprisoned for the offense to steal a horse, and was hanged in 1739.

9. Butch Cassidy
Butch Cassidy has a special expertise in the field of railway. Between 1896 and the early 1900s, he and eight other members of a gang calling themselves the "Wild Bunch", robbed dozens of trains, including on June 2, 1899, robbery of thousands of dollars of remittances Union Pacific train.

As the most wanted fugitive in his time, Cassidy whose real name is Robert LeRoy Parker fled to South America with his friend Sundance Kid.

They both eventually killed in a shooting in Bolivia in 1909, but there are many versions about the end of his adventures, some say he was killed in a shooting in Uruguay, but still vague what is right.

Other versions claim they fled to Alaska (or maybe Nevada or Wyoming) and live peacefully in obscurity until the 1930s.

Bolivia's version seems to be the most accurate, according to some of the Pinkerton detective agency, whose job is to track the presence Cassidy, stated that he was killed in Bolivia.

10. Vincenzo Peruggia
Successfully perform the largest art theft in history, Vincenco Peruggia not require high tech equipment, he just takes patience, time and some policemen who were not in place.

In 1911, Peruggia hid all night in the Louvre Museum in Paris, and when the museum was closed, he took off the Mona Lisa from the wall and then hid it under her clothes.

To escape, he just walked past the guard post which was unguarded, then hid the painting in his apartment.

Police interrogate Peruggia and believe in his alibi that he was working elsewhere when the painting is lost.

After saving the paintings inside the coffin for 2 years, Peruggia took the Mona Lisa to Italy. When he tried to sell it to a gallery owner named Alfredo Geri, he was caught.

After that Mona Lisa was exhibited throughout Italy, and returned to the Louvre Museum in 1913. Peruggia who says concerning stolen paintings on the basis of patriotic to restore the painting to Italy, eventually jailed for 6 months.

After his release he joined the Italian army and fought in World War 1. He married, then returned to France and opened a shop painting. He died on 2 September 1947 in the town of Annemasse, France.

Well, whose name villains are mostly ending with a bullet from the police officer such as Billy the Kid, Salvatore Giuliano, Ned Kelly, Bonnie & Clyde, and Butch Cassidy, or bullets friend like pack of Jesse James, and also the gallows like Claude Du Val and Dick Turpin.

But still there is also fared somewhat lucky as Colton Harris-Moore and Mr. Vincenzo Peruggia the only imprisoned, because pure theft and is not accompanied with murder.

List of villains on a scale only in Europe and America from ancient times until now recorded as genius, sadism, and uniqueness of these criminals, maybe in other parts of the world there are many others.

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