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> Texas Bull Breeders Choosing the Best Man For Marriage
4:38 AM
Texas Bull Breeders Choosing the Best Man For Marriage
The difference, Ronald companion does not come in because the Best Man Tuxedo is a bull weighing 570 pounds.
Wildthing called tame bull stepped in to perform this important role at the wedding of Ronald and his wife Sherron, where the couple renewed their marriage vows.
Of course, not Sherron Ronald objected to this decision, because Wildthing has lived with them and their three children Lloyd (35), Will (16) and Taylor (14), at their family home in Quinlan, Texas, since the bull was born in the month May of 2005.
In fact, this pair also treats Wildthing as part of the family. where he was free to roam in the house and have their own room where he ate and slept.
"He and Ronald had a special relationship with each other. We always knew that with such a large body Wildthing can hurt us with a single swing of his head, so that's why we were careful. "Sherron said.
"But very close to Ronald Wildthing, that is the cause he was chosen as a running mate because Wildthing always follow him like a shadow, wherever Ronald go." He added.

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